Saturday, March 20, 2010

I suck, but nobody reads this so only I know.

It has been a while since I swore I would "reconnect" with this thing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; I've never been good with routine. On a side note, when did the checkout people of wallmart stop loading your bags into your cart? I already hate the place, and tonight I had to put my bags into my cart while the lady stood there and watched me. She seemed impatient because she couldn't start checking out the person behind me until my stuff was cleared. I suggest checking out the good people of walmart.

If you have more time to waste, you should also check out this ridiculousness.

I decided not to dedicate this to quotes, which makes the title - inaccurate? I don't care. I might still add some from time to time, but I realized that most of them are wildly inappropriate. It seems that I have written down a massive amount of quotes using the word "penis". Maybe that says something about the people I hang out with... I don't know.

Anyway, I will leave with this:

"Shmedium" - when guys were shirts that are so fitted they could very well be from their childhood. It's supposed to be a cross between small and medium - I know it should be smedium, but I didn't say it (and I think it's better this way).

Friday, April 11, 2008

To Be Named Later

My brother has inspired me to reconnect with my blog.  This was heard today.

"Will the customer who took the buggy with two bottles of poison in it from the garden center please bring it back?"
-WalMart Worker Lady
-I should mention... this was announced to the entire store.  Perhaps the most disturbing thing I've heard over a loud speaker.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In The Beginning

I am starting a blog spot for my quote books. My sophomore year in high school I started to take down "stupid quotes from stupid people". Some of them totally suck, some of them are just short of genius, and some of them are inside jokes that I may or may not remember the significance of. Don't end a sentence in a preposition... above. DAMMIT! I have about 4 quote books... none of them are full. I never seem to have the book with me at the right time so I usually end up writing it down on a scrap piece of paper or buying a new book if I am on vacation or something. Anyway, I have decided to start this site dedicated solely to my hilarious quotes. I can't guarantee they will be in any sensible or chronological order, and I don’t know if I could tell you what they mean. I will try to label them and give credit to the culprit. Maybe I will give background info, etc. ENJOY!